Welcome to my LOGO blog
Welcome to my logo programming blog. In this blog, I'll be exploring the past present and future of the logo programming language.
I'm gonna assume you already know what logo is. Otherwise how do you even find this? If not, go here for an introduction.
Why am I interested in logo? Logo was the first computer programming language that I ever used, back in 1986, when I was seven years old, and I was immediately hooked on programming.
After logo, I taught myself basic. In hindsight, I ought to have just stuck with logo. Line numbers are for the birds. But like many new programmers, I associated logo heavily with turtle graphics, not realizing the full scope and power of logo of the programming language. It also didn't help that I was developing logo mostly on Apple ]['s with their arcane DOS, which didn't exactly encourage interoperability with the wider world.
40 years later and I'm still pounding the keys. I've forgotten more about programming computers than most will ever know.
In the first series of posts I'll do a retrospective on several older Logo distributions, including
* Apple ][ Logo I & II (Apple, LCSI)
* Logo Writer 2 (LCSI)
* IBM Logo (IBM, LCSI)
* UCSB Logo 3, 5, and 6
* PC-Logo 4 from Harvard Associates Inc (Terrapin)
* MIT LOGO, if I can find it.
* Others (c64?)
The focus here is command-line logo from the days before GUIs. we'll look at later logos later.
I'll get the old logos running, write a few sample programs, take a few screenshots, and compare to other logo distros and other languges.
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